Les Miserables- the unofficial Broadway production website
Broadway Les Mis Alum

1997 Headshot
1997 Headshot
1998 Headshot
1998 Headshot

Megan Lawrence  Tenth Anniversay Cast Member
Female Ensemble
Eponine (understudy)
Approximate dates: 1997 to 1999 (not necessarily continuously)

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Gallery Images:

Sep. 1998 

May. 1999 

Sep. 1998 

Sep. 1998 

May. 1999 

Sep. 1998 

May. 1999 

May. 1999 

Female Ensemble
Mar. 1997 

Female Ensemble
Apr. 1998 

Female Ensemble
Mar. 1997 



  • The phrase Not Necessarily Continuously is a standard disclaimer noted on this site for every actor who has been in Les Mis over the course of 2 consecutive yrs. This is included because certain actors have left the show for meaningful lengths of time and then returned. If no disclaimer was included, it might be misleading. Also, since this is an unofficial site, the data used for providing actors' dates with the show cannot be as precise as if it was an official site.
  • The year listed for any headshot usually refers to the year of publication of the media (such as a souvenir brochure) from which I derived it- it does not necessarily refer to the year in which the photo was taken.
  • Please note that this page is part of a larger unofficial site devoted to the Broadway production of Les Misérables- This page has no official association with Megan Lawrence.

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Every effort has been made to provide the best information possible on this site; however, there is no guarantee of accuracy.
Please address any questions or comments regarding the website or its content to Faith, the webmaster, at grantaire@LOAFOFBREADbroadwaylesmis.com (remove the "LOAFOFBREAD" to Email).